Wordman21 | Poetry Vibe
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Regained my voice, my voice is no longer silent..

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Black, White & Grey Battle Engaged


just different

Views: 321

Years trying to outrun or outsmart vulnerability of black and

white, good and bad. The discomfort of vulnerability wrought

uncertainty I want to be different It's a struggle for every

young Black man.

Black spirits and white spirits engage in battle, the sun

darkened - thunder rolls in the Heavens, blood flows in the

streets. no rules, society made the rules, for our suffering and

redemption.  The truth is that movements cannot be reborn,

causes of black suffering, self-inflicted broken dreams.

The path ails the African-American community, not just in the

minds of black people; but in the legacy - infinite shades of

grey often appear in black and white.

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