Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26200
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Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Views: 168
And some day you'll realize That there too is a point of no return. A point where you'll someday come And looking back will be a thing of the past. There are no layaways no payments plans To genuinely be a blessing in someone else's life. These things can't be repaid. Can't be debated. These gifts of appreciation. Life is one of the most unexplained mysteries. In a world of simplicity. We often shy away from the things we know will break us. Not knowing that its the vulnerability that truly makes us beautiful. At times we get uncomfortable. Considering that the simplest thing is often the hardest thing. And some day you'll realize. That it's these precious moments. That bring us closer to that point of no return. Your reflection shown. The candle of someone else's eye. No longer afraid to look back

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