Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25600
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contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Participation Of Presence



Views: 224
We've torn down buildings, and built new ones Yet we have no foundation. We are illiterate to what we truly feel and breathe unless, It is seen else where first. It too is a reality that we've created. This feeling that can only be described in Braille. We too are restricted. These bumps that go unnoticed. The mumps in the crevice we band aid until it's too late. We continue to tear down these fortresses of ourselves. What concerns most is that I see myself in you. The same love and laugh that become the building blocks that haults the storm. Yet we reject each other due to the mentality of our environment. With lack of understanding, We fail to embrace choosing the cause and effect of all differential. We seek to destroy forgetting what's important. We work against each other doing more damage that good. We need each other to further emancipation. To build one another once this storm reaches peak. As simple as it sounds it becomes more complex. To build a new building on top shakey ground. Everything must be cleared out. The participation of presence

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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