Ms.Toya2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark

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Broken-hearted girl



Views: 332

When she walks into the room you wouldn’t ever be able to tell the pain she’s holding 

She smiles thru it all and never complains

Her character is not like any other 

But that’s just her cover up

See she knows if she keeps a good heart and pulls you in at some point she will feel like you can heal her

But she never realized that she needs to heal herself 

The broken-hearted girl looks at herself in the mirror everyday 

She tells herself one day it will be better but really doesn’t believe it 

One day at a time people told her but it’s been 5 years 

The pain is still the same as the day her whole life changed 

This broken heart hurts more then she lets herself realize 

So let her know she is safe

Let her know you care

Let her know she is golden 

Trust me you know her 

She’s the girl you’re looking at right now 

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