The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 14000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Out There Somewhere



Views: 249

Out there somewhere I know that she exists; away from love,
or maybe she's just laid up with some n1gga makin' love,
her body goes through motions while her mind is miles away,
she's f*ckin' 'cause she's lonely but it just ignites the flame,

of soul engulfing pain; it's tough to handle when it's thick,
some people drink to mask it while she f*cks with random d!ck,
and uses them like they use her; it's all an even trade,
is what she has to tell herself to live aseeped in shame.

Her day-to-days are spent just working hard; there may be kids,
it's part of living; and to her that's just the way it is,
while hoping past all hope her friend would stay there overnight, 
and snuggle up a bit; she hopes he stays to hold her tight.

Alas, he gets his nut and bounces; now she starts to cry, 
and wonder how she wound up messin' 'round with all the guys,
believing all the lies and all the time she didn't get,
she steps out on her balcony and lights a cigarette.

The nighttime sky is filled with wet and cloudy Christmas cold,
she ponders if she'll ever find someone; she's gettin' old,
her eyes watch as a plane descends; its landing not too smooth,
she tingles and I feel it see because I'm watching too.

Out there somewhere I know that she exists; and I can tell,
her smile is shining bright; she knows that I exist as well, 
the way we'll come together is what some would pay to see,
out there somewhere my queen is hurting as she waits for me.


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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