this may be my realest thoughts expressed,
never seeking refuge I demand existence.
I walk with my head down comtemplating my
next 15 moves for my life is similiar to chess;
each move is a calucalated step to achieving
my own sense of greatness.
there is no need to look ahead desiring a false future,
for the Lord has already laid one out for me.
Hurt and pain are emotions I try in vain to defeat
smiling to mask my loneliness I wish only for tranquility.
In my sadness I seek happiness,
A happiness that swells deep within my soul;
A feeling I welcome with open arms.
Knowingly I search for Love only to discover plagarism,
Falling for the same tricks over and over by those I unwillingly
give my heart to.
In despair my Love yearns to receive what was so wrongfully taken away,
But fret not for my Love will find its true soulmate.
Admitting my faults is the esseence of a true man,
But what is a man who taunts himself;
Blaming the misfortunes created by on goers
Passing by as he backs himself in a corner awaiting misery-a fool
who has lost his way.
What lies ahead I wait patiently listening to the word of God,
I pray for the coming of my soulmate who will complete me,
And I constantly battle those who try to destroy what I am.
the storm that I was saved from slowly makes its way
to cloud my path,
But instead of showing fear,
I smile and embrace its raging winds.