The need to please,
The fail to succeed,
The shrill of life,
Causes the kill.
Death of dreams,
Death of hopes.
Loss of faith,
Demise of the soul.
![]() QueenPB
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The need to please,
The fail to succeed,
The shrill of life,
Causes the kill.
Death of dreams,
Death of hopes.
Loss of faith,
Demise of the soul.
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No JusticeNo Justice
It’s been a while since my fingers touched these keys, A heavy topic weighing on my mind.
Laid in the dark for centuries, Now it is, coming to light, Folks acting all shocked, Pretending to care, Yet, they still trying to sweep it under the rug.
Dehumanizing the black and the browns, That is dying at the hands, of the so-called blues, Fail to realize, This generation ain’t like last!!!
Our ancestors called on Jesus, to set them free, Our ancestors marched thousands of miles, for equality.
We are tired of burying, Our sons and daughters, Our mothers and fathers, Our brothers and sister.
For no reason at... |
A New Young MotherA New Young Mother
A new life born to a young mother, The fear she must have to raise her child. The scare she’s giving on the type of mother she’ll become, Can she love and care for this child? Can she teach him right from wrong? Only God knows.
Looking at the person she is, Makes one wonder, How can she love someone? When she doesn’t love herself. How can he grow to be a decent human being? When the mother has no morals, Acts as if the world owes her.
The beauty in bringing a new life, In this wicked world of corruption and hate. The strength she must show, When times are tough. The realization that her life is no longer hers.
Late night partying, Hoping from car ... |
Ride or Die ChickRide or Die Chick
Not the one who’d put a bullet in your enemy, Not the one who’d take the fall for you. She’s not a rider, Just a fool in love. She’s the one who’d dispose of the gun, Wipe off your prints and bury it to no return. If you shoot, She shoots, Ha, ha, This isn’t Bonnie and Clyde. You drink the poison, She’ll drink the poison, Are you stupid or something? Romeo isn’t your name, Juliet sure isn’t hers. The love she has, The passion she has, Her desire for you, Will keep you both free. If you fall, She’ll stand by your side, Send you care packages, Write you letters, Until her dying day. She’s no good to you if you both falls... |
Looking back as 2019 comes to an end, Reflecting on the struggles and challenges, Reviewing the emotional battels, Wow what a year! A year of pain and hardships, A year of a triumph. 2020 will be great, Feel it in the bones, Believe it in the heart. The lessons of 2019 have prepared for 2020, Without a doubt, It’s time to shine, Conquer and win! 2019 built strength, Broke bonds and showed true faces. 2019 has proved one can stand alone, Conquered fear, Drained the last tear. 2019 will come to an end, So much will be buried and left behind. 2020 will give a new start, A beginning, A successful story. |
Time & Time Again I've Loved You
Time & Time Again I’ve Loved You
Time and time again I’ve loved you, And every time you break my heart, Now here you come around again, Begging and pleading, For me to take you back, This I won’t, Cause we know, A part we’ll be, In tears, With a shattered heart, I’ll find myself, Heart -broken again, Loneliness sure to follow, But, You will laugh it up, Skinning and grinning with the boys, Hollering at anything with 2 legs, You and I don’t belong together! A part we should stay! |
PremenopausalPremenopausal The pain in my abdomen, Doc says there’s a cyst, Oh, how it hurts. Can’t believe I’m hot, Yet, I’m told the house is cold, Heat on 80, But I got the fan on, And it’s 40 degrees outside. My man jokes about me going, Through the change, See the doc again, She confirms, Indeed, I’m premenopausal, I’m say I’m too young, She says guess again, You’re over 30, right?
DarknessDarkness Sitting, Staring, Out into the night, Watching, The neighbors lurking, Don’t know what they’re looking for, Or what they’ll find. Staring out, At the moon, Watching, The stars shine. The darkness of the night, Clears the mind. The darkness, Brings a sense of relief, A steady calm, Now that the day is gone.
Secrets of the NightSecrets of the Night,
Clubs and bars, Light cameras actions, Pimips and hoes, Are the secrets of the night. When the sun sets, The moon rises, Stars twinkles, Strippers come out, Shinning bright, Glistening like gold, Lurking for the ballers, Seeking out the shot callers. That lonely one, Searching for that special fantasy. Secrets of the night, The things done in the dark, That will eventually come to light, Done out of site, Known as the evils in the world. |
WhoreWHORE Standing on the corner at 2 in the morning, Selling her body, Degrading herself, Looking for her next hit. Ten kids, Eight daddies, Won’t give her a dime, Spending time on the corner, To put food on the table. She’s the one, They ran train on, Every man has had, She’s been ‘round the block, More than a time or 2.
The American DreamTHE AMERICAN DREAM Big house, Fancy car, Lucrative bank account, The American Dream.
That house on a hill, With a picket fence, Filled with laughter, One or two kids, Maybe three or four, Plus, A dog to play with.
That car that doesn’t break down, Shines in the sun, No scratches or dents.
A bank account that’s full, Keeps you out of debt, Allows you to travel far, Not over flowing, Just enough to live your American Dream.