J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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The Untitled Journey (The Walk)


Views: 289

On my toes I tread lightly in fear of stepping on dangerous grounds,

Looking over my shoulders I sense a familiar enemy.

After each cautious step I realize my transgressions,

Searching for lost memories of spiritual courage I find myself lacking;

A feeling of remorse I reach out for what is not present.

A hint of sorrow bellows within me,

Tears of endless shame I weep silently.

A feeling of anger rages within me,

A battle of the endless waltz I struggle to win;

but amidst  my struggle I dance a fool's dance.

Nowhere leads me down a road I know all too well,

Its crossroads a metaphor of one who wishes not to go on,

But only wait in fear;

I dare not cross.

Trouble brews, a sudden gasp of air,

And as I begin to falter;

A familiar voice beckons me to push forward.

Tears of happiness caress my face,

A new path opens for me as I tread on dangerous grounds.

The journey continues...


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Contest Winner  

DeleDivine says:

I feel you!!! This so real.. I LOVE this!!.:)
Contest Winner  

j.king337 says:

again thank you soooooo much!!

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