J.King337 | Poetry Vibe
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got a new poem ready for this Sunday!! It's entitled "The Unspoken Lesson".

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The Untitled Journey (Doubt Vanquished)


Views: 277
I wait. I pray. I hope. The moment when my dreams will come true. I wait. The moment when my prayers are answered, I pray. The moment when that day will come, I hope. A thousand words flow swiftly from my lips, Only to lose its meaning as I mention doubt; A shameful soul repeating an endless game Known only to those who relish in their own doubtful woes. A thousand apologies I speak out of turn, Unfocused I forget whom or what I am apologizing to, Rehearsing my lines over and over playing right into The traps set forth by my enemies. In that crucial moment I realize my flaws, Casting aside all doubt, I give and let go, For what I carry upon my shoulders is not meant for me. He who created me in His image once said to place all Worries upon my shoulders for I am your Father. He who breathe life in me once said to be still and know I am God. He who has already laid out a path for me once said that I shall never place upon your shoulders more than you can bear. As I feel the warmth from my heart swell within me, I am at peace once again. The journey continues....

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