Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 25000
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Moments Of Silence


just different

Views: 155
Come not so much on the nights when you are alone, or your mind is filled with grief. The nights when the stars are the hardest to see. Tucked beneath a blanket of clouds. Of all the streets, one way streets are often the loneliest. These are the times where we recognize ourselves the most. And like the stars I tuck you in my arms. Soft & nestled. It's more times that exist outside of these moments. Come also when you are free & every star can be seen. Genuine in the way the moon shines. Your face. Never to flee in search of where to shine next. The smoothness of your skin. These bright moments that fill the sky. Your voice the only thing that lulls the storm to rest. Your curves being the constellation I long to see. On the nights when your mind is at ease and there isn't a care in the world. Learning wisdom in the moments of silence.

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