tbella | Poetry Vibe
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Nobody eles



Views: 240

dont hold me like he does dont touch me like he does

dont make me laugh like he does dont kisss me like he does dont sex me like he does dont talk to me like he does 

you cant tell me you love me like he does you cant satisfy my plesuarable spots like he does all we both know is that your not him 

and thats why you best listen to me dont treat me like he does 

novody eles but you all i want is you 

nobody eles love all i want is your love 

nobody eles bak all i need is yours 

nobody eles jokes all i crave is your talks 

nobody eles face all i wane see is yours 

nobody eles swag dress all i love is yours

nobody eles to share anything with jus you

nobody eles to compare cause your all for me 

tears are rolling down my face well good let you wipe the, away 

not just any one can zip my dress up you can zip it up for me jus you 

cause the reson waking up seems easy is knowing your gone be around in my life 

the reson things seems better dailly is only knowin better is you around with me at all times.


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