According to the dictates
of Suzy Berlinsky,
a Hello Poetry sibilant
chargé d'affaires
female equivalent,
sans Grand Poobah
aye surmise she
deems my preference
favoring lower case,
especially taking
a figurative page
from thee poetic play
book of e.e. cummings,
(not to be con-
fused with Elijah
E. Cummings, thee
American, and
United States Democrat
representing Mary
land's majority dark
skinned precinct
of Baltimore County
seventh congressional
district), whose
shadow of fame
diminished, but flagrant
flapping flaunting
Puritanical principles
tantamount to in
traducing taboos up-
ending ala revolutionary
his trademark
imprimatur guilt frisson
faculty of his to delve
into controversial
material blatantly
candidly devotedly
expressing thoughts,
sentiments, and re-
flexes skewed asper
an irreverent teas-
zing exuberance
flouting orthodox re-
finery by playfully
making mince meat
of long cherished,
fixed, and insulated
mores as shock
treatment technique to
exhibit parsimonious,
opprobrious, and
noxious malice
lobbing fondness for
writing without
heeding thy fondness
the first person
singular pronoun,
i, an upside down
exclamation point,
whose dot eye see
clearly despite
the fierce maelstrom!