Kavindra | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 23600
contest winner
lightness in the dark
This latest poem - I am just not sure -the message is sound but it starts a bit odd - ah who am I kidding I am eccentric

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Views: 326

though I walk thru the sea of travelers
life slaps me back down to the earth

if feels like an ocean as I pass
going horizontal thru the masses

the motion I feel and see is thousands of moving people
flowing like the ocean

but to me as I walk against the grain
it looks to be the sea
the feelings are the same

the future of their march
has just began
following the ripple
of lifes trails

onward the next stop
the field they have just battled thru

a new battle front
the test is true

to boldly go forth
venturing a  dream
that started with a thought

fraught with hardship and obstacles in their path
they have passed the test

standing now amidst the ocean
like a light house
casting their light
to show others the way


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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Nice . Thanks for sharing. Peace and Love, mlowe5.

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