j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Braggadocio Haint The Style Of This Whelk Hooked Sluggish Autodidact


just different

Views: 185

Nay, despite failing

to make the grade,

this bluesy well red, duff mute

average white band hit,

hard knock school alumnus

jack of all trades

master of none bumped along

pot hole cratered steep pitch

while riding the bus

bullies skewered kosher

me all, cannibalized

carte blanche timid ego

brandishing exacto knife

threatening jugular, cuss

sing maniacally

pulling out all stops

going headstrong for this doofuss

Embracing premonition

making me mincemeat

vis a vis via, Atilla

the Hun plus

Godfrey Gordon

Gustavus Gore

after diet of worms

as hors d'oeuvre hug guess

if given a choice,

would prefer Loch Ness

monster, or the whale

that swallowed Jonah,

either t'would be a quite im press

heave feted feat,

versus being poached,

roasted, skewered burnt alive

perhaps sautéed

to feed additionally,

the Gothic (Jacks sin) five

the latter adorned with

Bandolier prototype,

whence they would jive

to Vandals mess sigh ya,

these last yet another

contra band

to play on command,

or risk not being

he gee beegee bing a live

all thee above

iterated blather spluttered

as punishment against revive

ving human sacrifice

by pence hoove lee donning

a new jersey wordlessly

trumpeting, and strive

ving assiduously as a one man lobbyist,

and aye willingly negotiate

to take more'n one wive

even though that would

be big o' me decor,

thus a last minute reprieve given

without axing por favor

and black keys handed over

to Holy Roman Empire in hoar

rubble ruins (over

the Weeknd),

thus brutish nasty,

and short tempered surprisingly

(boot not prematurely)

ejaculating bon jour

foo fighters actually (grand

aery an nah - did a three sixty)

feting me guest of hun or,

boosting self esteem,

the first time

since being a kid

in a candy store

which poetic digression

did make quite a dee tour,

and bringing detente

amidst marauding

village people

hoop reef furred war.




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