2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Under a Smile



Views: 384

Under a smile,

Lies a hope to beguile,

Hidden  sins of a  child,

Festering pangs, 

unholy to bare, 

knowing not or how to care

Forgiven admissions,  

giving way to lies told once more

Suspended  conditions,

half truths  in silent omissions

Called  up memories  of  remorse, 

once  more flashing  brilliantly

Hopes  for  grins  to  upend, 

losses still within, regurgitate whims

Hate  begins  again, behind perched lips, twisting fate again

Longing to kiss away  pain,  but  puckering  up  to  entertain  amore

Never  over  the  hurt  from  over  thought  out  scenarios yet  to be-come

Fictitious  fictions  un-manifested  realities,  that  still  carry over  in  spills,

Gushes upon  rushes,  of hiding  the  shade  in  faces  still favored by bright sunny  daze

These  are  the  phases  of  a  clown  in  preparing  to  perform  on  a staged go-round

Only  telling  the  truth when  laughing  or  crying,  no  controls  to  set,  just  unexpected let-downs, 

or  previews  of  a  show  that  must  go  on….for paying  audiences, performances in  concert

Teeth  are  grown  to  grind  to  a  halt…..what thoughts  a  mind  cares  to  share,  but my heart covets!

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LP45 says:

This is beautiful 2B. The imagery is amazingly familiar in some parts. The flow and word play are phenomenal. You write with such an appreciative pen. Thank you for sharing this. Namaste

Wordman21 says:

Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Wow, 2b2b2! A powerful flow of mesmerizing truths that still remains behind that deceiving smile...smirk...that the clowns continue to redden thier noses with the blood of the ebony hued. Thank you for continuing to excite my poetic heart rate. Peace and Love, my Brother. mlowe5

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