Memorial Day...A day of rememberance...
Aping the 4th of July...Remembering
Papa is gone...Dad and Junior too;
Remembering today is yesterday and tomorrow:
Generation four freedom fighters will die...
Continuingly being killed on the battle fields of streets...
Streets named MLK Drive...Rosa Parks Way...Malcolm X Blvd;
Today we sit at flat tombstones...Flagless...
Melting plastic flowers with the heat and love
Of fresh cut black roses...watered in vases of living tears--
Pledging that these Titans shall not have been Murdered in vain...
That on these Domestic Soils...The War On Freedom continues.
So let us remember...Yet...In remembering immemorial...
Let us be so aware as to never ever forget ourstory in history.
Remember...Not what we can't do...But what we can.