2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Nu Wave (coming soon....??)



Views: 388

Casting  calls,  for seasons fall,  incoming  tweets

Shuri’s  Echo  is reprised by Geico’s Gekko, stuck on repeat

Let  go,  of that fuego! Cavemen Remakes’ quest for fire..

Crowds  roar  in  applause  at  the new  hues…changing attire

Fake  News  done  already  been  placed in sealed time capsules

Motion pictures  of  his-story,  retold  by English  speaking  actors

Reprising  roles  of Smart  Speakers,  echoing  Will-I-Am Shakespeare  captions

Its’  all  about  the  atmosphere  set, as  ye  old  ‘faded’ study to depict and  direct.

Addicts  to  the  fame,  changing  some  roles  while narratives  remain….

Unchanged, no matter what new  evidence  is  rediscovered, or by insight

Its all in  the mix  as  ruling caste covet  the  chance  to play  the lead yet again

New  stars  are  formed in  a constellation called  Hollywood, by pre-arrangement

So  the story  goes  as  told  by  centuries before,  as  a  means  to reaffirm  placement

Audience cheer  and  scream at scenes  for their  favorite  thespian’s  appearance to unfold….

The  curtain  lifts once more on such a futile  performance, the  last make-up  removed, forever  discarded…

For   the  art  of  make-believe, is  to  make  the  unwittingly  believe  its  just reality…..??

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LP45 says:

Awesome write 2B. Great great flow. Thank you for sharing this. Namaste

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