edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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Guess Who's Back!!!

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Views: 302
My momma is the only one under God that can judge me. My momma is the only woman who will always love me. My momma has always been the one to wipe my tears. Momma was there to help me conquer all my fears. Though she was gone she has been with me all these years. Helped me when I was bullied and made me stronger among my peers. Even when she's sick she's strong as an ox. Taught me to never to fight but always be ready to box. I always love her even though she choose to change the locks. Always makes sure I'm dressed from shirts, shoes and socks. Keep me off the streets and kept me from selling rocks. If momma died I wouldn't know what to do. She has always kept the peace between me and the krew. Even though we're poorer than most richer to few. Momma I just want you to know I love you.

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