hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Conjunction Junction


just different

Views: 244

conjuntion junction what's your function got flames of gold let the truth be told

hearts to unfold onto a different kind of episode you will do as you are told onto the rights to you are sold...

got my cabby can you grab me pull some things out of my sleeve spreading its disease

you think I'm funny but yet how do you know me friends to show me full of bolgna


yesterday was such a simple game we used to play today you say it ought not be that way

with words to say couldn't have it any other way on the parade

yet sift through a silver stream in the portal of being mean comes up clean

everday its a gamble just ask Oscar Camble got him in the ramble


treasured a red rose that was plucked a time before just ask Dinah Marie Shore lest I implore

busy as a bee making sweet history working out my sweet dynasty can't you see


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