j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Tales of a wild goose chase


long distance

Views: 214

(huff fin Bach seat driver)...

Aye kin recall

when both offspring

(yay high) as a small child

and now ma deux daughters

(fledgling young chicks

though they be),

flew the coop,

sans answering,

when call

of the wild dialed


their biological cell

phone rang

off the hook

as post

pubescence metamorphosis

(into young adulthood),

they gingerly did brook

arbiters as

consensual nymphs

baited verboten

fruit yum zook


thus, freed

as private on call designated

papa chauffeur de jure

yet, a nostalgic feelings

surface within mine being,

when many occasions

witnessed this night owl

barely awake

stumbling out

the front door

nonetheless diligently

donning "taxi driver" hat

now, a virtual

dust collector

replaced by

near identical head gear

capped upon

me noggin monogramed

with pet name

"hubby" and/or "matt"

thy (well worn) first name,

despite futile protestation


into tit for tat


case in point

encompasses this poetic blip

instinctually navigating

(southeast as

the counting crows fly)

(with ma own embedded

global positioning

satellite micro chip)

from Schwenksville habitue

to center city

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where,

nary agitation

viz calm, cool,

and collected

demeanor did e-clip,

nor (as prevailed

during anxiety fraught youth),

emotional state

would hove done a flip

with clenched

steering wheel,

whar white

bar knuckles would grip

but nowadays (courtesy

of targeted

prescription medications)

mien psychological

state quite mellow,

and approaches

ferrying human cargo

via 2009 Hyundai Sonata

as one shaded eyes, cool cat,

and (so like...mon) really hip

telling spouse

to pipe down and zip her lip

lest she wants

the aggravating maneuver,

thru plethora of pedestrians

(nope, yours truly

DID NOT run anybody over)!


This mister plied his way

to 1601 Market Street

with nary a hitch

though returning

back northwest to our abode

entailed a bit hove va glitch

when orientation

found me way

off beaten bath,

(a quarter tank of gas) circling

the Philadelphia Airport with


to Tinicum Township),"

some natural wildlife niche,

and of course

did NOT confess getting lost,

then breathing sigh of relief

espying urban skyline,

where Ben Franklin statue

forever frieze a stitch

in time, and even rumbling

deafening noise

elicits nada flinch!


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