hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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A Beautiful Butterfly


Views: 214

The premise of my newest poetic piece reaches out to a woman suffering from bipolar disease she grows ill.

Further, realizes that life is short by listening to a beautiful song then gets touched by nature in the form of a butterfly...,

The woman reached out with everything in her very being to discover the presence of love.

Lastly, this is a touching piece I hope it will warm your heart.



she had a sultan swing swept above her hair

baby's hair with women's eyes reflective to share

she danced on a ring of fire yet throws back each challenge with a shrug

in light of the recent attacks on her life she is a victor

fighting back the tears from her eyes it came as no surprise

she moved to the tun of amazement in her veins

let me be the first to explain


a long time a go in a place so far away

she lay nestled in a corner of her room

she was diagnosed as bipolar and grew ill

in every attempt to help medicate we can call it fate

then one day she heard a beautiful song then destiny came through her eyes

she lingered long in her fantasy world with kings & queens

butterfly lay barren on her wall she was so cold took out a shawl


the butterfly flew outside her room out on the patio

taking her to sweet places she needed to know

in time the butterfly dazzled with an appeal of reason

perhaps it was in the changing of the season

she studied the beautiful butterfly with her eyes

days had passed still she had no reason to grasp where the butterfly went to


she sought with cadence through a tiny orb type crystal with a shaped heart

this would light the inner spark to what she had been waiting for

after the turning of events she saw the butterfly again this time it had grown to a mammoth queen...

the leaves were changing the side of the trees lied barren with moisture

cascading falls near her house with a cool crisp brook

she took a look and their was the butterfly friend in the air again

nature breeds cadence to the simple to take another look at its wonder


then there was a fatal day when the butterfly died she was frantic inside wanting to hide

there was no clear view of it coming alive so she buried it beneath the red sod

the cycle of life in its forbidden form gazed between the surface

helpless but never hopeless she slowly regained her confidence out of coincidence

out of tragedy she learned a clear lesson from the butterfly which is never relent to ever give up on the fight...,

until next time....


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