j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Fresh Out Of A Cold Shower...



Views: 205

After being amply lathered

from head to toe, aye

ya eye ya eye ya eye,

and without fail

(gluteus maximus

unloads a dump,

as predictably happens

like clockwork orange

after washing off suds),

this nada so grand poo ba

drops ship

capsizing sinkers

(hefty waste ballast

causing sea level

to rise), this aint


just ask Cap'n Bligh

sitting athwart

the poop deck

i.e. christened

"Porcelain Goddess"

well nar did die

after being privy

seeing yours truly

exit the

water closet did espy

a much relieved

rearinga nine guy,

which also earned me,

the nick name "Rump,"

not evident,

via friendly

customary wave

conveyed expediting,

(viz nonverbally)

business cheekily

dreck eliminated

eh, the

formality establishment,

sans customary "hi"


without any waste I


to secure these

weather beaten

lovely bones of mine


to a tidal wave,

thus refuge sought

behind (a replica),

sans Bridge

over the River Kwai

after moving

ma bowels, no lie,


which predict

able tsunami

predicated on my

humungous substantial

rectal dis

charge well nigh

generating threatening

rip snorting currents


impossible mission

e'en ex spurt

semen to ply

especially, flush

with panic (a bum er,

but mandatory duty)

when lookout scout,

(an E Medic) didst spy

an immense

wall of water, aye yai yai!


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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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