With Ma
Lil Nude Dill
one bilabial
fricative smacking
tongue thrusting
(lizard like)
Garden of Eden
dwelling primate
doth pine with
two lipped treating zest
for Eve fun juiced
a tasty droplet, wrest
ting kitty
meowing Mz er loo,
sans verboten fruit
Yukon die vest
via jump starting
a hovering damn
electric kool
aid acid test
Hair and there,
a bare naked lady attired
in her
birthday suit, the sexiest
plump bosom roseate
sear suckered nipples
trickling milky nectar
when casting
shadowed umbra at rest
unleashing, vaunting,
et cetera viz prurient quest,
whereby this rambunctious
horny bull lever
severely oppressed
with life sentence
of penile
solitude, nest
souled (sorely testing
agonizing Victorian modest
tee primly and properly
carnal temptation lest
syllabus "C" ) even jest
a jot, cuz tis
pure torture restraining
feral, hormonal,
integral hankering
to stoke libido
at Parochialism
be hest
thus, aye feel
unfairly deprived,
no hello kitty
will be guest
unsure how helpful
"getting off my chest"
works thee
unnatural tethered
sexual suppression,
perhaps best
left unmentioned,
with jiggly, flabby
droopy breast
works, and
unwanted love handles
state of reined
swiftly tailored
stylishly groomed
FitBit bridled
uncertainty I attest.