Unblinking reflexive
opinions lean
indubitably, favorably
and certifiably
with minimal
pandering soliciting
uber voodoo
yawping woos
socially quintessentially
obviously markedly
brakes alignment
defining mine
political views
loosely yet
not strictly, jerry-rigged,
hidebound Democratic
fealty haltingly
pledged ones and twos
to roster of candidates
slated to challenge
incumbent Republicans
all to quickly accused,
sans participating
sinister ruse
this active voter
puzzled at controversial
eye opening
ex post facto
fractious, governmental
harmfully injuriously
within top secret queues
during nasty donkey kong
braying p's and q's
(case in point)
scurrilous, opprobrious,
and malodorous
Clinton administration,
where (based upon
my recent perusing
"The Peoples History” –
me strongly endorses
(authored by
Howard Zinn news
worthy revelation,
(whose recounting
calumnious, egregious
glaring ignominious knowledge
mandated, predicated
on blind trust,
essentially billeted
charade, facade,
inlaid faux Hope loose
bandied cutthroat
gratuity legislation
favoring pandering
"pork" via
to wealthy gentiles Jews
abandoning average
civilians snuffing out
grousing, and hoo's
flick erring
tapering fuse
whereat this
news worthy informed
citizen Kane
totally tubularly
unaware of any clues
pertaining to
antithetical maneuvers,
(loo win ski) shenanigans,
and undertakings
today yields
genuine boo's
toward Clinton,
where I despondently feel
he renegged promises
made to electorate
(except top 1 %)
got souled
(sold) to remaining
99% cheapest bidders
as-sized thirteen
duff heated no nothing
sneezing Schnorrers
spluttering phelgm
at me at-chews.