j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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An Aire ' Bout Central Air



Views: 180

Far moost

o' me

three score

minus one year

tethered upon

terra firmae where

planet Earth

doth veer

(spins upon

the global axis

(tilted 23.5

degrees from

the plane

of its orbit

around the sun),

terrestrial genesis

(perhaps accompanied

for Pete's sake

by Gabriel

blowing his horn)

in all

honesty unclear

boot more

oven concern

points to thermonuclear

and/or subnuclear

war, particularly

at forefront

of thine

primate noggin

actively hypothesizing

theoretical armageddon,

when non

plus ultra gravitates

with e pluribus

unum necessitating

each individual

to bend over

and kiss his/her rear

goodbye unless

total merciless queer

hue loss atomic

fallout immediately

incinerates e'en

the moost savvy profiteer,

which afore

mentioned prognostication

arose from overbear

ring hazy,

hot and humid


heat spell near

lee approximating



nearing triple digits


Eastern Seaboard

of United

baked States

makes this human,

an immediate

convert to

climate control

(though he


tubby already)

basking, glorifying,

and luxuriating

within delightful

60º Fahrenheit

mere really

expressing gratitude

for such

creature comfort

donning my

stretched out

birthday suit,

(yet thee moost

comfortable leisurewear

then thrift

store "special bag


of clothes

as mooch

as Yukon sales,"

no matter

mine ill mannered

mirrored reflection

doth jeer

at such

a sorry sight,


laugh reading


monologue colloquy,

which message

gleaned be

tween lines,

and should

this poem

be red aloud,

thy orgasmic

passion linkedin

with humming

HVAC, ye

would hear

courtesy hove


(hollow tube

in the inner ear)

sensitive to

deafening sounds...

so beware!


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