Trails leading once to survival hunting grounds
Have now become urban streets of survival
For the Godforsaken hued helpless hunted.
The once dark hued four-legged prey
Has become the two -egged prized shot
Of the day—another slain while running away.
Once spared cubs and other offspring
Have now become the first whose flesh
Welcomes the sting of agents of death—
Silver bullets—seeking black bull’s eye backs.
Gutters that once received water flowing to sea
Have become reservoirs—aqueducts of flowing blood—
Collectors of mourner’s tears flowing down wrinkled faces.
Unbalanced veiled justice stands and watches
As injustice prevails in its Manifest Destiny—
Bigotry’s bordered blasphemous laws remain intact.
Oh but let us fear not…due time is coming. God’s Justice.
In faith—fighting with the strength of the Lion of Judah,
Let us not yield to weariness: We have come this far
On the chariot of faith—fighting for things hoped for.
Though all is not yet seen, it’s coming in Due Time of promise,
And we shall rise as on Wings of Eagles—moving onward.
Let us not be weary and dismayed by fake armageddon oppressors.
Let us heed the message of liberation…Listen and be of good courage:
“Those who are evil will not survive, but those who are righteous…”
Our God shall will life and everlasting liberation—On Earth and Heaven.