Nya_Pargo | Poetry Vibe
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Poetry is the Deepest part of me!

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Wisdom Of Marriage


Views: 312
A Queen can not guide her King without 1st protecting him. A woman without a Vision is a lost woman, guiding the blind while blindsided as if the consequences for Adam not being responsible for his wife's actions were onesided when indeed they were suppose to be united. We live in a different time, generations have changed and been divided so if i lived according to the stories i would have nothing to remind me. Back then the woman came from the man but here today it is the man and woman who breath life from the Womb of the wo-man...One can not say that man is more supeier then the one who holds and nurtures the other without giving reasonable thought, that it is she who protects the nest and the seeds of the children she has painfully concieved. A woman has always been subject to protect what is righteously already guided, they misinterpret with laws they dont abide nor live by...preaching & quoting scriptures as if we still live in those times but if i must remind, it is only a mere book of where knowledge, wisdom and understanding reside. I am a full potential Queen not only in the eyes of my King but in the eyes of those who truly see me and value not only in what is seen phyically but yes spiritually. ENOUGH of the controversy, its clear you people question what your not aware of so.... dedication of these words with wise meditation are directed towards you.... To understand Marriage is not just about one taking and accepting the others flaws and all, both parties must be willing to change and compromise giving all not just some in order to continue and survive. When i say i want to know my husbands feelings, as a wife it is my job to know that without any doubt my husband can reveal to me any thought; whether it is stressful or painful he is never at fault by being open and honest because that is how and where understanding is brought. If he is afraid to be direct it becames an emotional detachment and realistically, he's only afraid of my reaction. To be direct one must be gentle expessically in marriage, and as you know we are not perfect but to go through these changes i can say its well worth it. Communication is a big step to any successful marriage, gender plays no role. It does not  matter that he is Man and i Woman, what is important is that man and woman together are responsible for each other and uniting as one keeping each other together, protecting as one. Marriage is not a job but a commitment to fight each others battles together no matter how stressful or hurtful things may be or get...his stress becomes mine & mine becomes his but without communication and expressing our emotions and concerns to resolve conflict, we would always be living in denial.... detierating the needful marriage & living day by day until after awhile we decide its too much for a man and woman to be united as one and become no longer responsible for the actions of the other as so Adam and Eve lived.

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mlowe5 says:

Enlightening! Well written. Thanks for sharing such wisdom and 'food for thought'. Peace and Love, mlowe5

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