Colorless | Poetry Vibe
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Beautiful Woman


Views: 212

Your hair is too short,
But you make it look good,
Your too skinny,
But your body is beautiful
You wish your body had more shape,
But I admire your curves,

Why you wanna be a model,
Why you wanna be a star,
They got you fooled sweetheart,
Your beautiful just the way you are,
From the tip of your nose,
Down to your hips,
And to the end of toes,

Your beauty come with a special trait,
Your beauty is real,
The world's is fake,
Your beauty is God made,
The world's is manufactured,
Your beauty can't be repeated,
The world's can be copied,

Forget what they say,
Stay blind to what you see,
Your beauty is imperfect,
but imperfection makes you unique,
It means there is only one true you,
The world can't copy,
No one can compare,
Your beautiful woman,
Just wanted to make you aware.


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greeneyez says:

Ahhhhh! Love it too lol

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