LP45 | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 206000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
Hey there my fellow poets! Blessings and greetings to you all for a prosperous new year. Life has been pretty rough for me since I last posted but nonetheless, as always with God's mercy and grace I've persevered. I'm finally at a point where I can start posting again. I so miss being on here and reading everyone's works. I hope that everything is going well for everyone. Let's keep the inklove flowing!

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Books Written By Poet

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A Lover's Dream



Views: 508

Secrets kept
Of tears silently wept
During endless dreams
Of you while I slept.

Searching my soulscape
I carefully contemplate
Each and every move
And breath that I take.

Careful not to step out of turn
I steady my emotion’s burn
Keeping you in my life
Is my main concern.

Every storm we endure
Solidifies our bond even more
Tabled cards keep hearts open
And minds assured.

Committing to moving on
Every dusk and every dawn
Despite challenges and setbacks
Until life itself is gone.

Now it’s time to wake up
As my thoughts now break up
And return to their rightful place
In the back of my cerebral make up.

Until I dream again.

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love_supreme says:

Excellent write.

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LP45 says:

Thank you for your support latin_lover.

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Contest Winner  

2b2b2 says:

Fiyah.....Tight Share Ladypoet45....Write On!!

Poetic08' says:

A very strong soul....Ladypoet45, i appreciate the way your soul communicate. Thank you
Contest Winner  

hitalot879 says:

Excellent work

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LP45 says:

Thank you for your support 2b2b2. Much appreciated. Peace and blessings my friend.

LP45 says:

Thank you for your kind words and support poetic08. Thank you for reading.

LP45 says:

Thank you hitalot879.
Contest Winner  

WarriorCarryingWater says:

Dig this - nice write!
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Such a beautiful spiritual flow. You, LadyPoet45, continue to be an inspiration to us all. Dream on Sister! Dreams lead to visions...and they...to realities. Peace and Love, mlowe5

LP45 says:

Thank you nosajm.

LP45 says:

Thank you mlowe5 for your support. It’s much appreciated.

Brownchildt says:

Yes.. That second and last stanza is my favorite.. I always enjoy your work.. thank you for sharing

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LP45 says:

Thank you brownchildt for your support.

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