Lying Next to You In a single bed I cannot imagine,
I cannot dream or fantasize
What it’s like lying next to you.
In my queen sized bed,
There’s room for two.
A side for me
A side for you.
Having room for only one
Can never compare to
The feeling of security, of comfort
Or love when I’m lying next to you.
Your presence in my atmosphere
Is welcoming and inviting.
Embraced by your aura
It made me smile as
I thought to myself all the while,
I can get used to this again.
It’s like the puzzle piece
That’s been missing and has
Finally come to be fitted in its proper place.
A sense of completion, if you will.
Praisingly I sigh as your embrace
Comforts me and I can safely
Drift off to sleep knowing
You’re next to me.
I can only hope that mutual feelings
Within you are present in each moment<... |
Brown Eyes Brown eyes when met with mine
Captivate me by holding time
Allowing our auras to intertwine
As they grow like ivy vines.
On and in love daily we dine,
Feeling the warmth of the sunshine
Then watching the stars align,
Dreaming of ocean foamed shorelines
While sipping the sweet nectar of wine,
And laughing at each other’s punch lines.
So how is it that one defines
The feeling beyond cloud nine?
I’d have to say indescribably divine!
Oh brown eyes when met with mine
The windows to a soul sublime
Smiling beautifully and so crystalline
Captivate me by holding time
Allowing our auras to intertwine.
To you my heart builds a shrine
You will always be forever mine.
I love you.
The Way We Were Reminiscing of days past
Old feelings resurfaced
To see the sun shine again.
As my thoughts replayed,
I stood silently as I
Reflected back on a
Once in a lifetime experience.
It was a beautiful September day.
The day we met and locked souls
It was like an epic display of
Emotional fireworks
Mixed with the opening curtain
Of a Broadway show.
As I awaited his arrival
I was already imagining his smile.
The crowd is cheering
My pulse built with excitement
As the drum roll begins,
Butterflies take flight inside me
The music starts
The curtain opens and
I’m given the cue to
Go out on stage.
When I saw him, I felt like
I stepped into the spotlight and
The crowd went wild!
We called out each other’s names
As joy and happiness
Erupted inside me.
We embraced one another like
Forever Love Love is you
Love is me
Love is the feeling
That sets us free.
Free from our worries
Free from our woes
Love is what we share
From our head to our toes.
With guided hands, interlocking fingers.
Forehead kisses and rubbed noses
Draw us ever nearer as love lingers.
Cue the closed door to the rest of the world
Momentarily taking part in just us
As giggles whisper and toes curl.
Enjoying each other as we always do
Because love is me
And love is you.
From every chamber of our hearts
To the core of our souls,
As destined as we are,
Love never grows old.
And as time goes on
Each day becomes our past
This undeniably true unbreakable bond
Of our love will forever last.
I felt it the first moment you touched me.
The Essence of His Love The comfort of his embrace
Makes me smile so.
My head rests on his chest
As he reaches around me.
Strong and gentle hands
Capture the very essence
Of his true nature.
He imbues a warm and inviting
Personality that shines
As bright as the stars.
Heeding paternal wisdom,
Chivalrous manners
Denotes an upbringing of
A true gentleman.
An abundance of
Unconditional love
Flows freely from him.
An ever continuous outpouring of
Spiritual and emotional wellbeing.
It’s the kind of love that
Plants itself like a seed
Inside your soul and nourishes
You as it grows.
Truly this blessing
I accept with open arms
And a humbled heart.
No second thoughts or wants
Growth only occurs in one direction.
To put it in perspective it’s
Like a tree that blossoms
As it bran... |
In Our World Something went wrong while I was editing. Had to delete and repost.
Every time I see you
Something changes inside
My heart beats with wanting
Awaiting your touch.
When we’re apart
Daydream trips to our world,
Population: us,
Increases palpitation levels
Up to my ears overcoming me.
I exhale with relief in
The comfort of your embrace.
A warm soothing summer’s breeze
Blowing kisses from every direction
Reinforces our physical bond as
Your whispers of everything sweet
Tease my inner ear.
Smilingly I bite my bottom lip and
Turn to you unifying our auras
As we become one with our world.
Emotions rise like the ocean’s waves
And explode like dolphins breaching
The surface when we’re together
Rhythmic syncopation of beating
Hearts silences everything around us.
Nothing can be heard except<... |
In Our World Every time I see you
Something changes inside
My heart beats with wanting

Inspired by Love Every time I think about you
My heart smiles.
You’re so beautiful to me
My soul blushes
Whenever you’re near.
My heart races every time
I hear your name.
The sound of your voice
Is comforting.
Your tender loving touch
Makes me forget where I am
Like there’s no one else around.
When you held my hand,
You took hold of my heart.
Your embrace secures me
So much so that
I never want to let you go.
We’ll never be apart ever again
We share a love for one other
No one else will ever know.
Sealing the bond between us
Ensures a friendship
As endless as time itself.
Our love runs deep like
Still waters.
And as our foreheads meet
Your love becomes my relief,
I am so glad I have you.
For my upcoming book, A Love Continuum
Moments In Love It’s been so long since I’ve seen you
Even longer since I felt your voice
Whispering in my ear.
I miss the way you made me feel
Whenever you touched me.
Your kisses were so soft
Like down feather pillows.
Your hugs embraced me
Like a winter comforter.
Feelings that should never
Linger like a lasting impression
Does so anyway.
Even though our line of
Communication is blurring,
I miss your text messages that
Came with an unexpected smile.
I try to suppress my feelings
But it doesn’t always work.
The more I try the stronger they get.
My heart is breaking.
The funny thing is though,
I had my heart set on someone else.
I didn’t want it to be you.
It wasn’t supposed to be you.
But when my fleshly desires
Emerged from the depths of
My emptiness, a wave of emotions
Wi... |
A Lover's Dream Secrets kept
Of tears silently wept
During endless dreams
Of you while I slept.
Searching my soulscape
I carefully contemplate
Each and every move
And breath that I take.
Careful not to step out of turn
I steady my emotion’s burn
Keeping you in my life
Is my main concern.
Every storm we endure
Solidifies our bond even more
Tabled cards keep hearts open
And minds assured.
Committing to moving on
Every dusk and every dawn
Despite challenges and setbacks
Until life itself is gone.
Now it’s time to wake up
As my thoughts now break up
And return to their rightful place
In the back of my cerebral make up.
Until I dream again.