j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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My Matty Mattel Talking Doll


first love

Views: 233

While meditating

earlier today,

a flashback leapt

clear for

me to assay,

those ever


early boy

hood daze,

now subsumed

within fifty,

plus nine

shades of gray


innocent naivety,


blessed) no way

would, aye

desire to

turn back

the hands of

father time



unstructured play

regularly with

older sister

(thirteen plus months

my senior)


slicing, sliding,

and slipping


feet skittering

across slippery

basement floor,

this then soul full

skinny thing

bellowed hooray.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

"I'm Matty Mattel;

I got hurt;

Can you

go out?"


words uttered

by the

very first


talking doll

Mattel did tout

circa nine

teen sixty


the birth

of quasi simulated

(lifelike) toys,

and made

of common


found scout

ting around

the house

simply comprising

hard vinyl

(i.e. pseudo

plaster of Paris)

head he

did flout

with remaining body


with padding,

a definite no

no (chew toy)

when Fido about.


that pooch,

would be

Georgie to you,

(a hybrid

Boxer Dalmatian)

with docked tail

my young

parents acquired,

when as

a newborn,

aye did

inconsolably wail

though recollection

of such memory

fifty nine

years ago

tis of no avail

yet, a resumption

of meditation,

sans light

ness of being

(analogous trance

like state),

that doth prevail

replaying silent

film preceding,

when psyche

seem so frail

plummeting into

emotional abyss

the nadir i.e.

anorexia nervosa

pleading return

to nostalgic boyhood

decrying change

hide didst bewail!


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Contest Winner  

hitalot879 says:

First off you have used a great deal of grammar that is simplistic to taste. I liked the flow. Further, you have grown in your work as an artist type poet. Really liking your work. Words of nicely woven linguistic terms. Fashioned in a great experience type work you got here. Try reaching out to your fan base it may surprise you. Even you who may think otherwise. This piece is wonderful in its presentation. Lastly, subjects change and there maybe a pattern to this equation. Mark the one willing to let go

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