I, (and the missus)
pleased as
punch residing
at this Schwenksville,
Pennsylvania locale,
(since july first
tooth house
sand eighteen),
marks one year
and better with (on site
service) wash
and wear,
but most
irrefutable attraction
rental assistance,
when upon
the merry
month of May
first, the dollar
figure outlay
to occupy
a single bedroom
(at this
low cost
housing facility)
didst veer
dramatically downward
from an
initial charge,
sans five hundred,
and seventy
two unswear
able legal
tenderloin monies,
per twelfth
of Gregorian Calendar,
when aye
didst tear
away the page
signaling June,
thine checking
account re
duced sheer
lee no misprint
(to win unbelievably
rosy, piddly,
and giddy)
one hundred
and seventy
seven buck a roos,
yet lesser benefits
appended, asper
this bucolic, diatonic,
and harmonic rear
to espy
white tailed
non queer
yule less
doe ting mama
belonging to
Cervidae family
app pear
ring to take
shelter in
a narrow
(sunset) strip
somewhat near
enough from mine
inside perch oblivious
to this mad capped
(Alfred E. Neuman),
who whiz stumping
for elections midyear
to reinstate
"FAKE" King
Crimson Lear
on the throne,
who strongly
objects to killdeer
for eats or sport,
and silences
those hood jeer
his reverence
toward gentle creatures
including near
extinct albino
blushing zebra,
hooves warp
and weave interlinear
within said
(postage size
token) plot
here ~ 1+ hectare
upon a tract
off the
beaten commercial
domain and glare
with suburban sprawl,
a hop, skip
and jump fair
lee quickly
"in the name
of progress"
vanishing wild
life eyes
find endear
ring, though
thine psyche
with despair
no matter
ample (spacious
free) parking,
a clear
bonus as well un
limited water usage
and to top
off the
list donated
up for grabs
(stales) breads,
fruits, vegetables
about twice
a week doth appear.