j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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Paternal Misgivings Linger...



Views: 180

Though thine

two grown

former babes

in crib age,

now lead

checkered lives,

no longer

monopolize my time

as though

their persons

went backstage

either one

embracing, judging,


negotiating positive

chutes and ladders

with courage

evoking glee

this papa

helped both

beautiful lasses

avoid being

risk averse

navigating life

with minimal damage

though to get

ahead of

the class,

(asper the

eldest Eden Liat)

credit karma

fairly and

squarely attributed

to herself

with encourage

meant from

this papa,

who oft time

felt he

lacked any clue

akin to

a hobbled

battleship left

to drift

at sea, whence,

upon land

fall sub

sequent lee

forced to forage

in a foreign

dominion (akin

to being

among Settlers

of Catan),

plus devoid

of instruments

to gauge,

an optimal

strategic operation,

thus figuratively

groping in

the dark

(unaware of

a brewing twister)


guided by

blind faith

doth admit

saying sorry,


apologetic homage

would dis

qualify thyself,


a "FAKE" mastermind

undeserving of

just desserts,

unfairly via

diktat plucking

sweet treats

awash within

Candy Land,


a deceptive image

entrancing, luring

and, spellbinding


incurring trouble,

particularly when

Shana Aubrey


(younger by about

twenty six months)

garnered lion's

share of

parental attention


mandatory intervention


due to language

skills, plus pronounced


mental delay,

where supreme

social service



gentle massage


divine prestidigitation

as one

after another

case worker

did overencourage


to counter

act congenital

cognitive setback

(coalesced in utero),

now finds

das dada envious

(cuz, aye got

mired, hogtied,

and bogged

down with

obsessive compulsive

trivial pursuit,

hence warrant

so lucky as

thee Punim)


steers ship

shape body electric

round her un

charted cerebral

cape of

good hope passage.







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