Ak Rio | Poetry Vibe
Ak Rio
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 35000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
In the clouds

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  4 star general
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Views: 251
First started in the system we was starving Aged out Praising GOD but deep down darkness ate up my heart Praying for a way out Never switched up stay down Stole to pay rent on my apartment Somehow we still partied Day n night Till we vommited I remembered crimes committed Times I sinned to get ahead Times I sinned to get some bread Times I fought for my respect My girl dying was the last string The last time I cared About anything for a while at least I no longer smiled back at people who smiled at me I sought and I sought for a reason to be and I found it...Me!

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Brownchildt says:

Yes.. never count your self out.. like this

Ak rio says:

thank you

reddrenee__ says:

each poem I read , I see your growth from trials and tribulations from your past. Keep on growing , Your time is coming . Your words are motivation to other readers .

Ak rio says:

Thank you very much pretty ladies

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