T.6hunnittt | Poetry Vibe
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I'm not depressed, i'm just learning my wy through pain...

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Your Making It Hard For Me...


first love

Views: 248

Dear body,
 Crazy how God works, huh? When you believe that things are turning around, more challenges come in the way. 
 Doesnt matter what age you are in order to be in love. Love actually comes in all sizes and shapes.
 People take love as an advantage, blinded to relize the pain and misery it gives to others.
 She loved me once, I loved her twiced, That's whats wrong with eachother.
 She told me that she can't live without me, but im not even around her no more.
 Anima Vesta, Anima Vesta. I loved her soul.

                                                                      Sincerely, your inner self.



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