WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Well put together


Views: 245

About once a year I seem to observe

A woman who is well put together outstanding from the herd

Confident, well dressed and almost unbelievable 

Usually alone which I find completely inconceivable 

I’d imagine the attention she receives is a double edge sword

Men lusting women discussing neither ever bored

I wondered if she’s a model or an actress

Immaculate in her posture, demeanor and dress

I slowed my pace to better admire the view

Natural hair, sweet disposition with a complexion of a milk chocolate hue

Her eyes connect with mine and she gave me a nod and a chuckle 

Then I heard a loud thump and felt my knees buckle

An airport (in Atlanta) transport knocked me clean off of my feet

I picked myself up (No injuries) but felt like a geek

I laughed it off and began to strut/limp with just an ounce of doubt

Then noticed that the same well put together woman was now checking me out!

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