j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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I lack emotions where others concerned


just different

Views: 156

That refrain replays
itself back years ago
when the wife
picked up where parents
left off. Though she
ceased reiterating
A magnum opus
of colorful epithets to
wards yours truly,
the effort tis daunt
ting if well nigh im
possible to ignore
the daily USDA
dosage of bar bare
rick string of
derogatory, heavily re
tar did psyche stunted
wrathful verbal
artillery fire that
remains with me to
this moment
in tandem, and
keeping lock step
company with malicious
noxious obloquy
pilloried on quote
hid dean rate
sundering the unsung
vitality within (again)
your zealous
aspiring bookish
chap. daily erupt
shuns from glower
ring Hercules
inundated, jack-
knifed, linkedin fin
de sic cull nursing
offal personal
quaking resent
meant stewing toxic
watershed un
leashed veritable red
hot wrath under
mining vivacity
within yawping see
thing, tore men
ting uber vitality
wreaking (again)
yours truly x screw
she hating kill
ling motives of
papa querulously,
rabidly and
scathing terrorizing
this sole son,
who for the better
part of his
marriage underwent
a lighter version
of invectives
cutting me down
to size zero
asper self worth,
though calmer
days prevailed
between this huzz-
band and his spouse,
yet none the-
less the indelible
imprimatur in
deniably etched
overtop already
raw hide of (yours
truly) self

Twas only
quite recent
lee, this generic
heir indubitably
coaxed his
sea legs sans,
where faith no more
regarding self
now (for the
first time in life
(yours truly)
feels emboldened,
and emancipated
from the in
visible shackles
boundding (akin
to Gulliver) a dire
situation. thru
auspices of
divine help (ala
inside lower
merion offices)
psychiatrists and
quelled retaliatory
spiteful treatment
upon the ban
shee heads
(high school
peers, parents and
even fiendish ghoul-
lash humans intently
joyously kindling
lamentable mean
name calling (though
sticks and stones
n’er hurled to
break by lovely
bones), the
sheer redundancy
to remain passive
internalize zing
verbal cut throat villain.

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