hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Walk



Views: 181



I missed you on my walk today

you would have enjoyed it

the trees and leaves, resplendent in sunlight

were suddenly cast in an ominous shade

Prodigious in their winter warning


The crows knew to. They squabbled overhead

"Don't be too quick to enjoy this day " they said

"Winter's on the wing, with white drifts blanketing the drive,

and ice storms encasing your old house in a brilliant castle,

to be embraced- for a moment- now gone !"


But, as I have said, I missed you today

we would have ambled about the grounds,

commenting on the auburn oak and golden mums and

view from the orchard hill- is it worth a picture ?


And us, to judge, just you and me- to see !

Toay, I missed you on my walk, Darling dear

bounded beside- hardly a substitute for you

I missed your strong arm. Damn my knees


The light lacked subtlety; the rustle of leaves

Were far too subdued. The leaves sing a louder tune with you

we too have weathered the storms,

some cruel and best forgotten, but like this

old house, we are likely to survive

seeing spring with fresh eyes and an eager spirit


growing stronger in weak places

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