Reddrenee__ | Poetry Vibe
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First Impression



Views: 285

First impression, I left it, scattered on his sheets along with our scent.

That smell. The scent follows me. Tasting left over alcohol on the tip of my tongue, replies in my mind, oh well. I’m still young,

His face iconic, body the same, his personality, seems untouchable .His touch as gentle as the last love I once had, the ending exactly the same,/ getting to know you is as impossible as touching a celebrity’s hand at a concert, so close yet, but so far.

Thinking you could be that one to heal the scars on my heart,

Thinking to hard, way too far in advance, the highs and lows

Symptoms of woes, will it ever be, I wonder

First impression, late dinners, opened doors, secrets shared I don’t see anymore.

I wonder what will this be, unknowing makes me curious of him,

His face so smooth, his hair neatly trimmed.

Fine as hell …. But you know what we already did everything.

That was and is the last impression.

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