Time cannot be controlled—
Comprised…neither shortened…
Nor lengthened—never held in check;
Time is like the ever seeking soul…
Forever soaring…always reckoning—
Capturing and keeping what it can collect;
Love too, is limitless and will always be—
Let us hold on to both yours and mine…
Going and coming—remaining full…like the sea
For love is…and always will be…unending—as is time;
A one wing bird cannot fly…neither a likewise companion—
Together…timed…they can float the heavenly skies…
Each giving the other its needs in their perfect union—
Each satisfying his desire to reach where her destiny lies;
Setting time is merely attempting to place life on hold;
Time waits on nothing—cannot be bought nor sold;
In time, we are…it cannot be taken from you and me…
Time is always now…and we must become as time—Free.