mlowe5 | Poetry Vibe


This poet practices good karma and posts comments 783000
contest winner 8
contest winner
lightness in the dark

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Views: 390



That Achebe should herald us men of soul

repositories of the spirits of the ancestors—

Ancestors rooted deep

in the earth of our hearts.

The sovereignty

they have chosen to bequeath

to those sons landed here

must not be bastardized with retreat—

dissolution…secret evasion—ethnocide.    

We are the longevity vases

of the stems of our beginnings;

soul water holes for the revitalization

of the spirits of faith.

Far be from it…that despair—

that grim tenantry…be allowed

to find lodging in the loop-holes

and setbacks of the struggle.

Indeed, let not the weight

of deferred dreams…shadowed

visions and broken promises

crush the pillars of hope

that uphold the temples of our faith.

Let us not forget—men of soul—ours

is the mission possible…to smash divisiveness…

disconnectedness…and suspect—

bringing healing and wholeness of unity

in our struggle for total liberation.

Come brethren—men of soul…with God…

with the breastplate of His liberating love…come

let us strengthen ourselves for the journey—

leaving ancestral footprints for our children to plod.

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Xclusive says:

Reading the piece just elevated my grammar. I had to do some research just to grasp some of the terminology but it helped me understand this that much more. This is a POWERFUL write. Keep the ink flowing
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Xclusive, much thanks to you for the read and informative feedback. It is pleasing to know that you read this piece for understanding and growth--the message--not just for pleasure. I am humbled and indeed, motivated by your feedback. Peace and Love, mlowe5

mrmelody7 says:

Always enlightment come forth when I read you admire one that spends time to really practice their craft

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Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

Thank you, mrmelody7. Your feedback is always encouraging and much appreciated. Peace and Love, mlowe5.
Contest Winner  

mlowe5 says:

ONE, love_supreme. You continue to honor and humble me. Peace and Love.

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