I used him.
Too scared and impatient to sit still like God placed it on my heart.
Now I've inadvertently misused him.
Dang. I never saw myself becoming this person.
God told me to sit still and like a little child I sat for a little bit...
Then I got distracted at him when he popped up and peeked in the window
Of my life.
Eventually the curiosity caught the best of me....
And I found myself sneaking out the door to get a better peek.
He was amazing.
Never have I met a man so sweet,
He had to be a blessing.
He had to be the answer....
To my prayers.
If only you knew.
If only you really understood...
Then maybe you would understand.
Many a nights I prayed.
Many a nights I cried...
Then I would pray again.
"Father God,
Please bless me with a man, a head of my household.
Somebody to love me and complete my family.
Somebody I can love with no regrets."
That was my most repeated request.
I tried to sit still, be patient.
I tried to focus on the knowledge God was feeding me so I would be hip when it came time to take the test....
But I got distracted.
I got sidetracked.
I was so focused on him that I never sat back down to resume my lessons..
I never stepped foot back into class.
I took him as the reason God told me to be still.
I had studied so hard, stayed so focused...
Surely this had to be my reward for such resilience?
A good man.
For a while I was happy.
I didn't bother to turn to God to show me the purpose and His intentions...
I played it by sight and by ear of what I thought was right....
I was selfish.