Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26100
contest winner 3
contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Views: 173
With so little time I could not decide. Shelf after shelf filled with book upon book. The likes I've dreamed of reading. Most bookstores have there signs posted. Opening and closing time. But this, this was something out of the ordinary. Not a soul wandering through the isles. No checkout line. It was intimate. Being here alone surrounded by book after book. Each with a cover beautifully drawn. Genres of insecurities, dreams, ambitions. Love. Any spot on the floor felt like home. Addressing myself in total seclusion. Mornings spent in thought embraced by the cold air flowing through the vents. Afternoons spent without a thing to do. The nights when a pillow was the only comfort, drifting off to sleep. Slow rather than fast. I flipped through page after page. Wandering from isle to isle undecided in which book I wanted to read first. Eying the shelves one at a time. Finding the beauty in what makes you, you. The marked on pages. The distraught covers. With so little time I didn't want to spend every second over-thinking. Analyzing exactly which stood out the most. When in actuality. They all are a part of you

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Xclusive says:

Loving the word play on here. Keep the ink flowing!

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