What Is Love? Words are powerful, but sometimes words just can't express the way you feel or what you wanna protest. That feeling so deep, it locks your feet buckles your knees, and makes you weak.
Love wasn't meant to have a definition it was meant to give an explanation, to this disease of lust, trust, and emotional persuasion. To explain the diagnosis that creates rapid heart beats, nervousness, and loss of speech,
Love Is What You Do when there's nothing left to say, when nights of constant crying requires a hug to chase the tears away, a massage for those long days, a kiss for those sleepless nights, a strong embrace just so they remember this love is right.
A bouquet of flowers, chocolates on a random day, picnic at the park, or just a walk to relax the stress away. This is the feeling that words don't have the ability to create.
Love may be so wrong but feel so rig...
Life... This life...people tell you how hard it's gonna be, and that it's not fair.
Stories of how hard it is intend to educate, hoping to somehow terminate some of the wrongs before they are allowed to occur.
The lessons don't stop when school ends and this ain't a fairytale so don't expect a happy ending if you haven't worked for it.
You only get one and no day is guaranteed so live it to the fullest and never allow your day to end with regrets of what you should've done.
This....life is a blessing, a curse, a trip to heaven, a day in hell, it can be your prison or freedom.
Life is all that we make it, but don't let it be your burden.
Beautiful Woman Your hair is too short,
But you make it look good,
Your too skinny,
But your body is beautiful
You wish your body had more shape,
But I admire your curves,
Why you wanna be a model,
Why you wanna be a star,
They got you fooled sweetheart,
Your beautiful just the way you are,
From the tip of your nose,
Down to your hips,
And to the end of toes,
Your beauty come with a special trait,
Your beauty is real,
The world's is fake,
Your beauty is God made,
The world's is manufactured,
Your beauty can't be repeated,
The world's can be copied,
Forget what they say,
Stay blind to what you see,
Your beauty is imperfect,
but imperfection makes you unique,
It means there is only one true you,
The world can't copy,
No one can compare,
Your beautiful woman,
Just wanted to make you aware.
Arrival of a Real Man You heard their lies,
The promise of change,
The second chances and never agains,
The put downs and let downs,
Lost wishes and forgotten hopes,
You've dealt with the thugs,
The pretty boys and scrubs,
The money throwers,
The penny pinchers,
The womanizers and sleazebags,
You've heard it all:
"Baby I'm different"
"I can change all that"
"I'm just trying to find myself"
"I'm tired of all the games"
You heard all the quotes,
You know all the lines,
This is too easy,
You can read all the lies,
You know the game,
Its nothing new,
Claiming they don't play them,
When he's really player 1,
Hoping he found player 2
Let's cut to the chase,
I've seen those games,
I've watched you cry,
And noticed your pain,
I wanna change that,
I'm nothing new,
I've been around just like you, |