The Immortal Wize  | Poetry Vibe
The Immortal Wize


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lightness in the dark
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Poetry Vibe Mayor

MAYOR of Poetry Vibe. This poet is identified as the mayor of the Vibe for have the most karma ponts. You receive karma points when you comment on poems.

Views: 245

If I am I am what am I
Who is I am is I am me
Where am I am I where
I am suposed to be
Why am I asking these questions
I am waiting for answers
am I the questions I am asking
am I the answer I am waiting for
Am I the voice of I am
If I am does that make me I am
Okay lets just say I am
Am I who I am suposed to be
Or am I not who I am suposed to be
 I inhale I  I exhale am
I am breath I am living
I am life I am breathing
I am just a heartbeat away
I am close I never close mine eyes
I am all seeing I am all knowing
I am all , all is all I am
I am here I am there
I am every where
I am this I am that
 I am eyes that never bat
I am awaken I am The Waker
I am creator I am maker
I am conductor I am operator
 I am intervator I am craftman
I am poet, I am writer, I am performance
I am athlete, I am painter, I am sculturer
I am  artistry I am muse, I am angels
I am gods, I am God I am all there was
I am all that has ever been
I am The Q I am The A
I am The Alfa I am The Omega
I am the beginning I am inbetween
I am the end I am  never ending
I am all there is I am here now
I am faith I am fate I am destiny
I am who I am I am that I am
I am the triangle I am the circle
I am the square I am the three
I am the pair I am 1 I am 9
I am the philosopher I am the stone
I am metal I am rock I am bone
I am watching I am seeing
I am listening I am hearing
I am has told you who I am
I am telling you all you know
I am not telling you all I am



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Xclusive says:

Awesome write, Keep the ink flowing!

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