Lethal Lyric | Poetry Vibe
Lethal Lyric
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The moments when i'm down, You keep my head up

You love me dearly even though i know i messed up

For so long i've tried hard enough to try to get up

Sharpening the skills you gave me so i could develop

Everywhere i go, They identify me through my errors

Can't sleep with these nightmares filled with terror

Life takes me to a world filled with broken mirrors

At times i feel like i'm a dead man walking

When i lose connection is when my soul hears you calling

Next thing you know, I spend years in this pit falling

Where hope no longer exist, I resort to the extreme

Making myself believe this is nothing but a dream

Two paths stand before me with no sense of direction

You become the answer before i even ask the question

The mistakes i've made cover the image i've been seeking

Please be there for me to prevent this from repeating

I look to the sky at night where i see the stars sparkle

Can't bear to imagine life with you where pain is partial

I'm judged for my past of my poor decision making

I envision breaking their words & causing their vision fading

Through my imperfections, His love for me isn't changing

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