KingQadarDwon' | Poetry Vibe


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lightness in the dark

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Crawfish Games(Fun ink)



Views: 380


The Same is lame, change is grand, unusual sexual activities, wait just let me explain.

  Clutching and groping at me like a Crawfish, when I grab back, you run back just like a Crawfish, but I'm the Star-Fish, your water spots I hit, catch yo drip, ride the rift, riding currents, waves or cliffs, silent in your speech, you can only wave your fist

But I am Him, I do this for real, you can't even control yourself, penetrated your mental before I gripped your hips

Kissed your mind before my lips pressed your lips. Well packaged and Equipped, lets make water love, baby lets dip

Pinching and cringing because your panties I ripped, I'm not normal I can excite you with my 5 seductive tips, grab you by your waist and make you grip every inch of me uncontrollably until your crawfish lips drip, might pour it in a cup and sip

Loving while intoxicated, I'm on a serious trip, you playing Crawfish games, You might drown and comeback as my Angel-fish, humbling your self and not talking major sh*t

But you must admit that I let you make the first move, you attacked and came forward, my defense kicked in, when you realized your pincers were no match for my width and dimensions, back against the wall on fourth and inches, King won that battle in the trenches, no more crawfish games you have to come realer

    You see Crawfish pretend, they don't want no smoke, that's why they always end up in a pot and left boiled with no hope!

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mrmelody7 says:

Oh yes the lighter side of the King colorful fun read in deed when i had my claim with the VA this young social worker said she was gonna ask me some questions then give to the psych she ask did I have any hobbies told her I like to fish I fish a lot then she asked whats your sexual orientation I told her I want me a mermaid thats why I fish so much she was flabergasted left her stuttering nice fun write King
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

@MrMelody7 Lol Thank you my man.. Just showing a little creativity.. We Definitely have to find a balance in the world or we'll go crazy... I enjoyed putting together this fun little freestyle...

LP45 says:

Excellent write KQD. Love the imagery and word play. Thank you for sharing this. Keep writing.

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