edwardbalonado21 | Poetry Vibe
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Night Mares Of Momma



Views: 205
Drifted slowly into unconsciousness. Woke up trying to figure out what is this. Then all of a sudden my heart started pounding at the sight of it. I was looking upon my mommas grave as I sit. Tears started flowing down my cheeks. Suddenly I went biserk. Cuz to my momma I was such a jerk. And never got to say good bye. Oh my God this hurts. Truth is I rather see me in the grave. I put her in so much pain and for me she always stayed brave. I acted like anand I now I wish I was better. I sit at her resting place writing an apology letter. Asking her forgiveness and begging for her blessings. Telling her that I will miss the little things and nah I'm not messing. Pleading to her to help me move on or come back. I promise ill get my life back on track. Then all of a sudden all around me the earth started crack. Then I felt so cold and so trapped. Then I knew I was descending to hell. Stomach in pain, wasn't feeling so well. Looked in a mirror and my face started to swell. I knew for sure I was were the demons dwell. Gasping for air, smoke and methane was all I can smell. Then my body began to shake. Like someone was trying to get me to wake. Was I dreaming and this is all fake? Then I opened my eyes, my momma by my side. The paramedics had arrived. She says I was screaming and thrashing she swears I almost died. I gently weeped as she cried. I tried to move but I was paralyzed. Paramedics injected adrenaline. Saying I overdosed on sleep medicine. Medics are surprised I survive. But I didn't give a damn cuz my momma is alive.

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