j68skijo9 | Poetry Vibe
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I’m horny as a rhino.



Views: 191



I’m horny as a rhino.

yes...tis true.
this acute brute,
committed da
elementary foible
getting hooked in
July 1996. kin
dread lady made
noticeably pregnant
ordained tie dying
the figurative
gordian knot.
thus, twenty one
years a husband
(and father
to two young
adult aged
still finds
a hankering
to choose
a more exotic
chic chick.

ah boot,
thy coveted 
underwear - 
     yes -
tis lane
(foe gulls) cover 
     da tush
of juiced 
infinitesimal grain
yet mortal kombat 
     with win faw 
     grim reaper - 
     yield fain
good humor
to man age,
how this
generic guy
doth entertain 
d'ya recoil
at this attempt
4 friend
ship chain 
this simian
goes ape,
female girl
las - who
go bananas 
   me does pose
esse at
least half
a brain. 

me one finger 
used 2 hen
peck doth ache
i will take
a break
eat sum
petrified cake
that interestingly
enough can
cure an earache 
with nary
even an
edible flake
mebbe jump
in a poker
face booked -
mud flat lake
or just
steal away
imagine 2 make
out with you,
a moist meaty
milky shake.


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