Colorless | Poetry Vibe
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The Decision



Views: 243

Uncertain of what to do,
Unsure of what to say,
My thoughts fall on deaf ears,
I would be better just going away,
Why do you need me,
Why do you stay,
The answers just seem to fly away,

Tell me you want me,
You need me here,
Actions speak louder,
And yours aren't clear,
You wanna be happy,
But you dwell in sorrow,
So lost in today,
But not promised tomorrow,

You wanna help me,
You can't help yourself,
You are your own worst enemy,
But I'm done explaining myself,

I tried to help,
I'm doing my best,
But this is your battle,
This is your test,

One life to live,
One choice to make,
Is it my decision,
That will seal our fate,

I hope I won't regret it,
But from what I see,
This decision is necessary,
More for you than me,

You ask me what was wrong,
You are the reason,
Trying to make you happy,
This is just teasing,
I see the hurt in you're eyes,
The misery in your face,
I hurt cause you do,
All that time trying to fix the look on your face,

How do I help,
What are you not telling me,
Is it that hard for you,
Or is it just me,
Maybe I'm not where you wanna be,
Cause I feel useless to you,
And I won't let you be of use to me,

Ugh, we're fighting even without fighting,
Its getting the best of me,
So tell me what's the decision gonna be........?


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