Tali | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 40700
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lightness in the dark

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Views: 392

One year and 6 months into our relationship, you did something that no man has ever accomplished before,

You bought my heart

With a few boards of old, & cheap wood

I watched, as you magically build these boards into masterpieces that your mind could not comprehend

I listened to you angrily lose your patience, and sometimes to my amusement

You are skilled 

And amazingly talented

A tailor of wood

You fix broken pieces in ways that you could never fix your broken heart

I watched you toil month after month with this wood until you finally settled on something for me

A bookcase 

Rocky and a little unstable you placed two feet on the bottom to keep it from swaying 

And then......

you hated it 

Offered to buy me a new one 

Or make a better one with a more expensive wood 

And the only words that kept you from throwing it away were the words that left my mouth in the form of

I love it!

You see for me, this bookcase is more than just a bookcase

It is a symbol of your personal growth, and our real life relationship experience

You took an old & broken down shelf and transformed it into different functional pieces of our home

Planted its feet firmly on the floor, and presented it to me, as if to say, this is my heart, my broken heart, update its features and work on me

Help me to make this better for you

Show me what you would need to accomplish that

Or I can get you a new one, fancier, sturdy and expensive

But I love my old, handmade bookcase just fine

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LP45 says:

What a beautiful show of appreciation. Anything made by human hands will always be priceless. Thank you for sharing this Tali.

Tali says:

Thank you ladypoet, it's the tiniest gestures that are the most genuine and authentic.
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

quite a gallant gesture ...to respect the effort ...more than the maker realizes

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